Monday, October 24, 2016

Begining Construction of Physical Game

What the print and play lacked of Madness Falls was a good description of how combat works.  I feel this was, in part, to using D6's with numbers which added a layer of confusion.  This is why I've been planning to 3d model dice for the physical version of the game.  Instead of people trying to figure out what the numbers on the dice mean in terms of combat, I've created a different dice for each player class with three different images on it.  A potion that will signify Mana gained, A sword, which will signify a successful attack, and a shield which will signify a successful block on defense.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Madness Falls

So I decided to name my print and play Madness Falls.  It is a multiplayer combat RPG check it out here:  Link to Madness Falls