Friday, November 3, 2017

Lava Caves Paper Map

Lava Caves Prepro

Event Script:

  • Player Starts in cavern with red glow of lava emanating throughout the room
  • Notices a large pool of lava ahead
  • Above lava hangs stalactites
  • Stalactites can be hit and crumble to walk across lava to open door on other side
  • Once on other side sounds come from down the hall
  • Two enemies appear walking toward player
  • Player advances into opening to another room.  The same kind of brittle stalactites hang from the roof of the cave.  The player is seemingly unnoticed.
  • The only way out is across a chasm.  Player notices blocks hanging suspended by ropes.
  • Ropes are shot and blocks fall into place.  The player can make his way across the chasm.
  • Checkpoint
  • A large opening and louder sound of creatures comes from ahead. 
  • The player peeks in the room and sees a large pool of creatures, they begin to attack.  
  • A large lava pool and hanging stalactites and blocks can be used to dispatch creatures.  
  • A weapon can too.
  • Player finally notices a large door suspended by three ropes.
  • Breaks them and rock door falls
  • Light blares from the end of a tunnel 

Image result for lava caves