Monday, February 6, 2017

Race Track design Brainstorming

After choosing the 2016 Tesla Model S to model as my car for our racing game, I figured I might as well stick with the Tesla theme.  My level Will take place in a futuristic/tron-ish environment, mixed with the insides of electrical components as well as "sci-fi physics." The overall level design is inspired by the original blueprints of a Nikolai Tesla's "Tesla Coil" and has a couple twists that align with it.
Image result for tron
I'd really like to make the map extremely contrasted and make most of the light pure electric to go with the theme.

Drawing this map in an isometric format proved to be kind of difficult to wrap my head around because it involves view pane shifts but the track is closed course, and in theory fast paced.  I'd like to make it so skilled players can stay permanently boosted.

The Color scheme I've chosen will be electric blue, it's complement, and lightning yellow and it's complement.

The hazards I'd like to have the player dodge come in the form of multiple arms and ports that lightning will arc from and Light bulbs that explode in this fashion on impact.

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