Thursday, April 20, 2017

Adventure Game Boss Battle Research

When looking at boss battle in adventure games, I wanted to stick with a classic RPG type of monster, the Gelatinous Cube.  The Gelatinous cube is a creature of little to no intelligence that absorbs anything it comes into contact with making it the perfect kind of monster for a beginning level in an RPG-Adventure type game.  This is why I want to make my boss, the King of the Cubes.

I remembered a game I recently played called Rampage Knights that had a boss similar to what I'm going to go for.  You can see someone's fight with him here:

This boss has a couple of abilities.  He spawns minions, pushes the player back toward a pit, and has a ranged and melee attack.

In my game I'd like to focus on mechanics rather than a tank and spank. I plan on approaching the fight with the idea of the player hitting the slime, not doing damage, but multiplying the slime.  This will hopefully make them realize (quickly) that merely hitting the boss won't work.  To defeat my boss the player will have to destroy columns inside the room that drop on the boss and deal damage.  The Columns will be timelined to fall onto a targeted place on the floor.  While the player is doing this he would have to deal with harassing minions spawned by the boss and ranged attacks (melee if up close.)

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